Hurricane Dos and Don’ts

Hurricane season is here. That time between June 1 to November 30 when hurricanes cause billions of dollars in damages. Severe damage from wind, tornados, falling trees, flying branches, excessive rainfall, flooding and other weather-related perils are a worry of every property owner. Should you be unfortunate and need to make a claim, here are a few things to consider after there has been damage from a hurricane.

Safety First
Should a hurricane produce so much damage that First Responders are working to help survivors, please wait to visit your property and stay out of their way. Should your property become unsafe, leave for a safer location as soon as you can.

Halt the Damages
Salvage what you can from the affected property and take pictures of everything that is beyond repair. Do what you can to mitigate the hurricane’s damage and protect what you can salvage from further damage. It is likely that your insurance company will require this.

Be Prompt
Contact your insurance company immediately. This will fulfill any ‘prompt notice’ requirements of your insurance policies.

Be proactive in assuring that the insurance company representative investigates the full extent of your insurance claim. Insist that the adjuster evaluates all of the hurricane damage to your property, no matter how inconvenient. Should anything be left out, make sure to document all the parts that were not evaluated by the adjuster.

Do Not Diagnose Cause of Damage
It is best to keep quiet around the insurance adjuster when it comes to determining the specific cause of damage to any specific part of your property. Allow the adjuster to determine the cause for him/herself. Otherwise, whoever is showing the property to the adjuster may inadvertently influence the decision leading to the damage not being covered.

Final Say
You are not obligated to accept the insurance company’s initial estimate. It is within your rights to dispute the insurance company’s initial estimates. Don’t be afraid to fight for the full value of your hurricane loss.

Get Help
Do not go this alone. Get some professional assistance such as a public adjuster. There are too many technicalities involved and there isn’t any reason you should be expected to know all of them.

Get Your Property Restored

One of the primary calls to make when getting help recovering from any hurricane damage is the hiring of a company to do the clean-up and restoration. Going Green Restoration is trained to the highest standards with innovative and revolutionary solutions for their customers. Relax knowing that your property will soon be restored right.

If you are in the Orlando area, make sure Going Green Restoration is on your team to get back to normal. Call now at 407-800-9204 for 24/7 service.

Posted on Behalf of Going Green Restoration USA

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